Theatre Teacher


Teacher & Director

Live from the stage/my workspace

Live from the stage/my workspace


TJ Bodnar

I have been a teacher since 2012, and I have worked with students from grades K-12 throughout New Jersey. I’m also the co-founder of Monmouth County Youth Theatre, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing performance opportunities to students in our community.

As a student, I always had excellent teachers, and I am proud to carry on that legacy as a theatre education professional. I look forward to the opportunity to maintain a level of rigorous and challenging work for my students to continue to encourage their growth as artists and individuals.

As a teacher, I have created and developed a four-level acting program for high school students, complete with curricula and lesson plans. I have conducted writers’ workshops, nurtured original works from students in grades K-12, directed my students in countless scene studies as well as full length productions, and instituted a chapter of the International Thespian Society, a bi-annual Shakespeare festival, and a resident improv troupe.

I have taught Miller, Williams, Sondheim, Albee, Durrenmacht, Wilde, Chekhov, and Kushner in classes at the high school level. I frequently challenged my students to work on a collegiate level and quite often, it was a success. My passion for theatre education is unmatched.





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